The Village of Carbon Hill offers a wide variety of departments that help to make our community function and grow:
Department – Parks
This department works to ensure that the Villages Parks are kept looking beautiful while also helping to facilitate local actives.
Board Member: Paul Opyd / Lori Ryder-Togliatti
Department – Streets and Alleys
This department works to maintain our roads and alley ways between our homes and ensure there is no major issues, damages or blocks.
Board Member: Lorna Surman
Department – Finance
This department is in charge of maintaining village financials and financial operations.
Board Member: Nykky Shain
Treasurer: Lakin Elliot
Department – Maintenance
This department helps to maintain municipality structures and service equipment used to maintain the community.
Board Member: Charlie Shain
Department – Water and Sewer
This department is in charge of making sure no major water issues happen with the town along with ensuring septic functionality.
Board Member: Gary Smith
Water Clerk: Mary Jane Larson
Department – Zoning
This department helps with zoning permits and license needed for all new construction or renovations in the village.
Chairmen: Rich Jurzak